Show Bio Place of Birth Tg. Frumos / Iasi / Romania Profesie Lacatus mecanic / Agricultor Adresa de resedinta Tg. Frumos / Iasi / Romania Statut civil Casatorit cu Chersan Varvara la data de 12.02.1978 in Tg. Frumos, jud. Iasi Mama Go to profile page Chersan Elena Decedat/a (1924 - 2000) Tata Go to profile page Chersan Simion Decedat/a (1922 - 1980) Go to profile page Chersan Grigore (1951) Sotie Go to profile page Chersan Varvara (1957) Fiu Go to profile page Chersan Casian (1979) Fiu Go to profile page Chersan Vasile (1980)