Show Bio Birth name Chersan Agripina Place of Birth Tg. Frumos / Iasi / Romania Burial Place Cimitirul Lipovenesc din Tg. Frumos Profesie Agricultor Adresa de resedinta Tg. Frumos / Iasi / Romania Statut civil Casatorita cu Sfecles Simion in Tg. Frumos Mama Go to profile page Chersan Elena Decedat/a (1924 - 2000) Tata Go to profile page Chersan Simion Decedat/a (1922 - 1980) Go to profile page Sfecles Agripina Decedat/a (1957 - 2005) Sot Go to profile page Sfecles Simion (1950) Fiica Go to profile page Ababei Sanda (1979) Fiu Go to profile page Sfecles Toader (1985) Fiica Go to profile page Mihai Irina (1986) Fiu Go to profile page Sfecles Ion Iacob Decedat/a (1988 - 2002)